Skittles’s Schnoodles
Schnoodles are fun, intelligent little dogs. They get their funny personality from the Schnauzer and intelligence and train-ability from the Poodle. Schnoodles are completely non-shedding and great for people with allergies. They are intelligent, loyal, wonderful little dogs.
Skittles has a beautiful litter of gold Schnoodle puppies born August 6, 2024.
Skittles is the loving mom. She is a sweet, comical girl who loves to bounce around and play. She cuddles too.
Olaf is the proud Daddy! He is a sweet, kind, outgoing, boy who loves everyone. Olaf weighs 25 lbs.
Boy #2 is sold. Congratulations to the Shoji family!
He tested high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. He weighs 3.7 lbs at 7 weeks of age. This cutie has no blemishes and is going to be a wonderful companion.
Boy #1 is sold. Congratulations to the Rehrmann family!
He tested high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. He weighs 4.2 lbs at 7 weeks of age. This cutie has no blemishes and is going to be a great little buddy.
Boy #4 is sold. Congratulations to the Allen family!
He tested high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. He weighs 4.3 lbs at 7 weeks of age. This cutie has no blemishes and is going to be a fantastic little buddy.
Girl #1 is sold. Congratulations to the Filley family!
She tested high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises, and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is just a bit hesitant at first but the bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. She weighs 3.2 lbs at 7 weeks of age. She has no blemishes and is going to be a sweet little friend.