Cookie’s Cockapoos

Cockapoos have been a popular cross between a poodle and a cocker spaniel for many years. They are an intelligent, loyal little dog with the bonus of having hybrid vigor- that is, mixed breed dogs are healthier because they don't inherit most genetic problems of either breed!

Cookie has a litter of beautiful Cockapoo puppies born September 6, 2024.

These sweet puppies are discounted to $1000 each plus sales tax!

Cookie is the loving mom. She is a sweet, cheerful girl who loves everyone. She weighs 14 lbs.

Griffin is the proud Daddy! He is a sweet, kind, social boy who loves everyone. He loves to play fetch. He weighs 20 lbs.

Boy #3 is Available!

He tested high in trust, low in dominance (though I could see some willfulness in him,) did not startle to loud noises and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. He weighs 3.8 lbs at 7 weeks of age. This cutie has no blemishes and is going to be a wonderful little friend.

Boy #1 is sold. Congratulations to the Asignacion family!

He tested very high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. He weighs 4.3 lbs at 7 weeks of age. This cutie has no blemishes and is going to be a wonderful companion.

Boy #2 is sold. Congratulations to the Tull family!

He tested high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. He weighs 4.4 lbs at 7 weeks of age. This cutie has no blemishes and is going to be a great little buddy.

Girl #1 is sold. Congratulations to the Wilson family! (chocolate)

She tested high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises, and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. She weighs 4.8 lbs at 7 weeks of age. She has a small umbilical hernia which will not affect her health in any way but should be repaired when she is spayed. We have discounted her by $300 as a result. She is going to be a sweet little friend.

Boy #4 is sold. Congratulations to the Burton family! (chocolate merle)

He tested high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. He weighs 3.0 lbs at 7 weeks of age. This cutie has no blemishes and is going to be a wonderful companion.

Girl #2 is sold. Congratulations to the Ramos family! (chocolate merle)

She tested very high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises, and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. She weighs 3.2 lbs at 7 weeks of age. She has no blemishes and is going to be a wonderful little companion.

Girl #3 is sold. Congratulations to the John family! (blue merle)

She tested high in trust, low in dominance, did not startle to loud noises, and had excellent eye contact when spoken to. This puppy is bold and curious in a new environment, exploring freely. She weighs 3.3 lbs at 7 weeks of age. She has no blemishes and is going to be a fantastic little friend.