Schnoodle References
Hi Donna:
Attached are some photos of Raven.
She is a terrific dog, and better than I could have hoped for. Nothing I would change! Very smart, so she was easy to train. She loves all people and animals. She is by far the fastest dog at the dog park. She likes to play fetch, but also likes to lay about and watch TV. On the rare occasion when she barks, she stops on command. Overall, she has a very calm relaxed demeanor. She goes everywhere with me -- even to the office.
It would be really fun if she could have a reunion with her litter mates if any are near the Seattle area!

Hi Donna,
An update on our 2 Schnoodle puppies we purchased from you in Jan 2021 and Feb 2021.
We named them Poppy (cream colored) and Luna (tan). They have been great additions to our family and great dogs for our younger kids. They are so loving and have been perfect for us. We really wanted dogs that were low shedding and we could raise as puppies since our kids were younger at the time.
Poppy is very playful and high energy while Luna loves to just cuddle up and is more reserved and sensitive. Luna loves the beach and goes right in the water and swims around. I think she was meant to be a beach dog.
They get their yearly vet checkups and are always in perfect health which I think speaks to their great genetics.
They go to an outdoor daycare 3x a week which has a bunch of acreage for them to run around. We have a smaller yard which they enjoy, but not a lot of area for them to run around so the daycare offers a good balance for them to run free and be wild.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful pets with us. We couldn't have asked for better dogs!
Thank you,
Andrea Neely

Hi Donna!
Gomez is a wonderful dog, sweet, funny, and a great part of our family. He will be 4 this month. I’m so happy we found you and him through a friend who has another fabulous dog from you. I will send you a couple more Gomez photos, feel free to use them on your website with my comments.
Hi Donna,
Good to hear from you. I hope all is well with you and your family.
We adopted a male Schnoodle puppy from Donna in 2018 who we named Charlie. When I picked him up from Donna in Seattle, I fell in love. He was so cute! I hadn't raised a puppy in quite a few years and struggled a bit with training. I appreciated that Donna was a phone call away and gave me excellent guidance. Charlie is 5 years old now and is such a great dog. He is my constant, loyal companion, and loves everyone and every dog. He loves to go on walks or just snuggle on the couch. I am so happy with my Schnoodle dog. I would definitely adopt another dog from Donna.
Dear Donna and family,
We got our schnoodle Nikki 13 years ago and her half brother Ted 12 years ago and we can't imagine life without them. We wanted dogs that were hyper-allergenic, active, easy to train and smart. Neither one of us had owned or been around dogs before and they are the perfect dogs for us. We have recommended their dogs to friends and family and they have adopted 4 dogs from Echo Hills Ranch and love them, too.
Hi Donna,
Here are 3 pictures of Peppermint (Olaf and Maple’s puppy, white) and Missy (Jasper and Greta’s puppy, golden/reddish). Some comments on each:
Peppermint is a sweet natured girl who is as happy to go on a trail walk as she is to snuggle at your feet. She is a heaven sent companion for our son with autism and a best friend to all 3 of our kids.
Our 11 year old daughter recently decided to teach Peppermint a number of tricks: the pawshake, lay down, roll over, and jump. Peppermint learned each of these in a matter of days. The 11 year old also likes to bathe and brush Peppermint. Little does our daughter know that she is also being trained at the same time – learning to be responsible and to care for an animal.
The dogs are the best possible antidote to the “screens.” Our kids are happy to put down the iPads and pick up the leash or fuzzy rabbit in order to play with the dogs!
Peppermint is so gentle that we are planning to undergo training this summer as an Intermountain Therapy Dog so that she can visit people in healthcare facilities. Her non-shedding, soft coat makes her easy to groom for therapy work.
Peppermint is true to her clownish schnauzer roots. She loves to chase a rabbit and run off leash on our rural property. She surprises us with her antics. Once we were in the car as an ambulance weaved through stopped traffic with its siren blaring. That’s when we learned that Peppermint could howl! In a dog this size (15 pounds), a howl is a sweet, singing sound. Hearing it and seeing the earnest look on the dog’s face made us all laugh, and immediately calmed the kids.
We got Missy to be my elderly father’s companion. He was recently retired and becoming lonely. He was eager to take on the challenge of raising a puppy and now walks Missy 3 times a day. He lost 20+ pounds doing this and the two of them have made several friends around town along their walking routes!
Missy is a larger dog than Peppermint – about 20 pounds and very fit. This is a nice sized dog for a walker. She has the stamina to keep up with a 5 mile walk but is also very easy to manage with a leash, and content with a much shorter walk if we’re tired. She is not as big or in need of exercise as the popular labradoodles, which is an advantage for us when we travel.
I hope you keep breeding these beauties! They really are good natured, wonderful dogs.

Hi Donna,
I've been meaning to give you an update on Sparky, but life has been busy! He is a great little dog, and EVERYWHERE we go, everyone wants to know what breed he is and where we got him. I'm not kidding -- EVERYWHERE.
We go to the dog park regularly and people are constantly coming up to us and asking about him. He has such a lovely temperament -- gentle, smart, eager to please and pretty easy to teach. He's found his voice and tends to bark at passersby, but we've been working on it and it's actually improving (we never had any luck with our other dogs).
Anyway, he is a true joy to have around. He did get a bout of kennel cough that took a while to shake, but he seems perfectly fine now. We also had a snafu with his coat, since we're not used to grooming dogs. His puppy coat was so soft and fine that it got super matted and we had to have him shaved. I didn't recognize him when I went to pick him
up. He looked about 1/3rd his normal size! It wasn't very cute, although, he got compliments everywhere we went. Now that it has grown out some, it doesn't mat nearly as much, and we're better about combing him out. He's very easy going about nail trims and teeth brushing, and he barely even notices when I pluck his ears.
At night all he does is lay on us like a total couch potato. Even though he's still a pup, he's not a "spaz". He definitely has his moments, but generally, one good walk a day, or a trip to the dog park wipes him out and he's mellow the rest of the day.
I'm so grateful that you started his crate training for us because he doesn't make a peep all night. He even happily trots into his crate at night when he knows it's night night time. He doesn't like to be left alone and howls when we put him away to leave, but thankfully, someone is usually home so it's not that often.
He is definitely the best puppy we've ever had the pleasure to raise. He reminds me a lot of my beloved "Ginger" who died of an aneurysm when she was 14 months old. She was a vizsla and had much the same temperament as Sparky. She set the bar high, so that he even reminds me is very high praise.
I was excited to see that Lily had another litter of these beautiful dogs. I really do wish I could get another, but Bob is pretty dead set on only one. I'm working on it, though!
Sparky is so good with other dogs of all sizes, I would love for him to have a playmate. Oh, he also did very well in puppy kindergarten. We're getting ready to do another round of training, and then perhaps moving on to agility. He's a lot of fun and has really integrated into our family with no problems.
Thank you so much for checking in and raising such wonderful little dogs. I do check your website periodically, and let people know where we got Sparky (I give them your web address). He's Mr. Popularity.
I'm attaching some recent pics. I'll send more -- we haven't actually taken very many, so I'll be sure to do that and forward them on.
Hope all is well with you and your lovely children.
After three wonderful years, we can't say enough. With two boys, ages 10 and 13, the decision of adopting a Schnoodle was perfect. Active enough for great play a Schnoodle was perfect. Active enough for great play time and calm enough for a good cuddle. The perfect match!
Molly was the alpha of her litter and with some training research, all went very well! They are very intelligent dogs and learn very quickly.
My husbands favorite attribute -- No shedding. This is such a blessing with a busy family.
Molly travels everywhere with us, and receives numerous compliments on her temperament and behavior.
Thanks so much for allowing us to make such a wonderful addition to our family.
The Lehrbach Family
(Gladstone, Oregon)
Chichi is the perfect dog!! She is the offspring of Spencer and Lily and boy do they make great babies!! She is active outside to inside, always loves walks and car rides but for us to return. We have a English bulldog and they are great friends, we also took her to a doggie daycare(kennel) when we went on vacation and she got along great with all the other dogs! She's just so happy, and not territorial at all. Her favorite thing is to be chased so she will to grab something ( toy, sock, etc.) and run hoping someone or something is behind her.She also plays fetch and will bring it back and drop it, once she's certain you are not going to chase her for it. She was easy to potty train and knows basic commands like sit, lay down and shake.... although she does them when she wants too, she is a little independent at times. Anyway it's been an awesome year with an awesome dog with no health issues, and a happy
Thank you so much,
The Walters
Hello Donna,
Jazzy is the love of our lives! She goes everywhere with us and you can tell she is taking it personally! I've never loved a dog like her before.
Jazzy's birthday was May 31, 2008 and I can't
remember the name of her mom and dad but are
they still producing pups? I love your kids web
pages, so cute! They are doing things I used to do
as a kid!
OK, I'll send that picture of Jazzy to you now!
Looking forward to hearing from you Donna!
It's been quite a while since I've sent you anything. I do remember you saying you liked to see follow ups to dogs when their adults. I've sent a recent pic today of Miya...hope you like it. We went with a summer puppy cut for her since the weather has been hot lately. She's quite the mischief maker and is always finding some new way to cause trouble. I remember you saying she tested the highest in intelligence out of the litter and still shows it every day. She plays fetch with herself, bunny ball which is her taking a stuffed bunny as big as her and hitting a large ball around with it. She has figured out how to pull out the dining room chairs and jump up and get on top of the table. As a pup at about 5 lbs figured out how to pull out the kitchen drawers. I could list forever what she has amazed me with. At this point she weighs in at 16 lb, 10 ounces and is extremely healthy according to the vet. She gets raw meat twice a week and veggies daily. Otherwise her staple food is Orijen which gets alternated between each of the three varieties when we run out of it.
In the meanwhile I hope things are going great for you guys up there! And thank you for the great little family dog that loves people! Still a beta though...I think I've only seen her boss one dog around.
Hello Donna,
First of all I wanted to say thank you. We love our little dog Phin, a schnoodle from Octavious and Briggita. We have had him for almost a year and we adore him!!! Phin is the most friendly dog we have ever owned. He is sweet and always kind to people and dogs. As of now Phin has been to puppy school and loves to learn and is crazy easy, house trained well.
We love our Sadie...she is the princess of our home! We have had years now and she is such a blessing. My mom and one of my daughters is very allergic to dogs, but Sadie being a schnoodle has not effected them at all. We love the outdoors and like to take trips. Sadie is a great traveler. She does awesome in hotel rooms. She loves the water and is a fantastic dock dog! You can't throw a tennis ball enough for her! Yet she can be a great snuggler. She weighs 20 pounds and is the best size dog. She is smart, quick to learn, and easy to train. Thank you!
Hi Donna!
I just wanted to give you a quick update on my Millie. Her parents are Octavious and Brigitta and she is almost 9 months already. I took her to the vet the other day and she was 14 pounds, 6 ounces which I think is a perfect weight. When you did the personality test on her, you said "she loves to give kisses, she is very playful, bold, and confident, and that she may need a firm hand in training" and you were right on! She is always finding a way to cause trouble somehow, but it's hard to discipline her when she looks at me with that adorable little face and won't stop giving me kisses to say she's sorry! She loves to play catch and her favorite toy is anything that squeaks. For the most part, she is a very good girl. She is very smart as well. She learns tricks and commands very quickly. I love her so much and I'm very happy I went with the Schnoodle breed. Thank you so much for providing me with a very happy and healthy puppy!
Hello, Donna, my name is Heather. Two years ago, we brought home our first Schnoodle, and she was from Willow's very first litter, born in March of 2012. We had the first deposit, so had the pick of the litter, and she (Quinn) is a wonderful little dog, and we just love her so. She is obedient, but still has independence and strength. We call her our mighty dog, with a heart about 20 times the size of her! We could not possibly be happier with her. We had never had a little dog, we had always had Labs, and most recently, a boxer, but now I believe we will never have anything other than a Schnoodle again.

Hi, Donna,
Our Schnoodle pup, Ziggy, had her first birthday recently, so I thought I would send some pics. She is a wonderful dog, just perfect for us. She loves people and other dogs. She has several potential "aunties:" friends who came to our house and loved her so much they've offered to take care of her for us if we need a dog sitter.
She is a happy little dog, ready to play. She has plenty of energy for a good walk, and loves to relax in our yard while we garden or chat with friends. She visits a day care one day per week to socialize with other dogs, and dances with excitement when she knows she is going.
She doesn't bark much, but does let us know when she hears someone nearby. She was easily house-trained, has good manners and is very gentle with everyone. The fact that she doesn't shed has endeared her to friends with allergies! We are so glad to have Ziggy.