Eskipoo References
Hi Donna,
We just wanted to say “hello” as we celebrate Tucker’s fifth birthday (begot by Luna and Loki on July 1, 1019) today.
Our beloved Eskipoo continues to delight our family. But perhaps more importantly, as an AKC-certified therapy dog his gentle, sweet, and people-friendly disposition, with a coat soft as velvet and an ever-present grin, he brings joy and comfort to those with special needs.
Over the years, his vocabulary comprehension development is a testimony to his remarkable intelligence. He engages most everyone he meets on our many walks and the kids in our neighborhood often knock on our door to ask if Tucker can come out and play.
We sometimes check your web site updates and always get a kick out of the new puppies. Seems like only yesterday Tucker was one of them when we picked him up at the ranch. He was eight weeks old, ran up to us in a diaper, and fell asleep in our lap. It was love at first site. We’ll always be grateful for your thoughtfulness and guidance that day.
Tucker will always be an ambassador for the care you take in raising your pups. Because people are often enamored with him, we usually end up telling them about you. Thanks for all you do to bring the love of a dog to us and so many other families.
Have a safe and enjoyable Independence Day at Echo Hills Ranch.
All the best,
Ray, Patti, and Tucker

Hi Donna! I just wanted to send you an update on our Eskipoo we got in February. We named him Fudge & he is now 7 months old and truly the best decision we have ever made. I don’t know how we ever lived with out him! I’ve never been one to connect with animals let alone dogs but from the day I met him he became my best friend. Not only is he just the cutest pup in the whole world, he is the sweetest guy I’ve ever met! He loves to give kisses and cuddle as close as possible. He is extremely smart and learns new tricks fast. He is almost 20 pounds, extremely tall, and extra fluffy (he has the cutest hair that sticks straight up on his head)! He loves to be held, jumping, getting attention, car rides, napkins, and stretches and my husband & I love him more than anything. Thank you so much for giving us the perfect puppy!

Hi Donna,
I am reaching out as tomorrow is Zoe's 5th birthday. I can't believe it's already been 5 years since she came into my life. She has changed my life. I can't imagine life without her anymore. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have Zoe in my life. How are Misha and Loki?
As for a update:
Zoe is doing fantastic. She is extremely healthy. We just moved and she loves to go hiking for long hikes in park. On our hike yesterday we walked down to the beach as Zoe loves the sand. Some otters came by to say happy birthday. Her favorite place is the beach or lake as she discovered her passion for swimming during the heatwave last summer, yet hates the rain, as she loves to swim and would for hours on end if we did not have to go home. She is really smart, food motivated, wants to be everyone's best friend and loves her plush toys.
I hope you enjoy the photos below,
Mara. & Zoe

I just wanted to give you an update on my Eskipoo. I attached two pictures of Tira I took yesterday. It wasn't easy. She wanted to play and play and play... forget about posing. Well, as you can see from her pictures, she's just as adorable now as she was when we got her. She's about nine months old now and is pretty much full grown. She weighs just about 12 lbs. I don't how many times people have commented that Tira looks like a stuffed animal that's come to life. She's just a little fluff ball (and you're right... no shedding!!!).
Besides being adorable, she's so good and so much fun! We are really enjoying her. She's extremely friendly, loves to play and loves to cuddle. She's just the perfect little dog!! Thank you so much...we just love her!!! I also wanted to mention to you the first time we brought Tira to the vet, the doctor commented on how well she had been cared for. She had a clean bill of health from day one which is apparently unusual. He said most puppies he sees have worms, fleas or parasites... but not Tira. He told me to let you know you're doing a great job with raising your puppies!!!
Thanks for everything!!!
Regards, Carrie and family
Her name is Elkie, and she is quite possibly the best pet we have ever had (and we have had a number of dogs and cats over the years). From the moment we “received” her she has fit right in with whatever circumstance has been presented.
For instance, when we first picked her up very late one dark and stormy evening (this after she had been brought to us from over the mountains in what had to be a long and puzzling ride for a puppy having just been removed from her family) we could not make it home that evening and had to stay in a hotel overnight. We knew this situation would be arising and had some apprehension about it, but Elkie behaved admirably. Even though she was with perfect strangers, she contented herself to be with us and, after frolicking around a bit, slept soundly and without a peep in her crate. While some of this may have been that she was just tired from a long day of travel, I am convinced a larger part of it comes from her basic character and native intelligence.
She loves people (children in particular), loves to travel, is comfortable around other animals and appears to be smarter than many people I know. She has an infectiously happy disposition that just flat makes us laugh some times. While we had the usual puppy miss-steps in the beginning, she has proven to be very trainable and has figured many things out on her own.
She is 8 months old now, weighs 14 pounds, and is beautifully proportioned. Her longish, wavy coat is her most distinctive feature and is so soft to the touch you do not think of it as hair. Feels more like silk, or even down, and she is very pleasant to hold or have on your lap. There is very little shedding.
The last pictures in the sequence below are the most current, taken just a few days ago. As you can see, she has had a “poodle cut” (about a month prior to these pictures), which came as a surprise to us after we asked to have her trimmed at a kennel we use. While my wife likes her current look, I prefer the longer version, which has proved to give her a more unique appearance. I cannot tell you how many people have stopped us to ask what kind of dog she is, what’s her name, can I hold her, etc. Honestly, at times I have felt like just making little business cards for her and handing them out.
Hope this information is useful to you. Thank you for Elkie.
Hello Donna!
I wanted to let you know how very much we're enjoying the newest member of our family. Huckleberry Cutie Pie (our 5 year old helped name him, but we've shortened it to Huckle!) is an absolute delight. His sweet disposition and eagerness to please are matched only by how ridiculously cute he is! He just turned 8 months, is about 14 pounds with perfect proportions. He's cuddly, playful, bright, enthusiastic but calm, and so easy to train. I can not overstate how sweet-natured he is.
Huckle just adores all children, will happily and calmly endure very ardent hugging from my little one, and does very well other dogs. Whenever we have him out and about, we're stopped and asked lots of questions, and it always ends with the passerby petting him and being astonished by his crazy soft fur. I know regular brushing is recommended, but Huckle's fur doesn't seem to mat, tangle or shed. We've taken him for haircuts twice so far, and he looks great both with a long coat, and clipped close.
I've attached two recent photos, neither of which really shows his tail which usually curls around and touches his back. I included the second photo so you could see his size relative to my son on his bike.
You've done a beautiful job breeding this little guy, not just for his movie star good looks ;-) but for his PERFECT disposition.
Thank you so much,
The Olson Family
This is Sophie on a boat in Lake Chelan! She really enjoyed the wind in her face! Sophie is a sweet dog and she enjoys her new home just as much as her old home!

Malu is about 14 months old and weighs about 11.5 pounds. Our kids absolutely love him, and he has been a very easy puppy to train. He was very easy to potty train and had just a couple of accidents in the house before he got the swing of things. His disposition is amazing. He has the softest easy going personality of any dog I have ever seen. His favorite thing to do is cuddle and rest. We always get questions about what kind of dog he is, because he is so cute. The assistants at the vet office just love when he comes to visit. He has been healthy right from the beginning and has been a great addition to our family. He travels with us, and prefers to be right in the action!
Thank you for our great puppy Malu.
Hi Donna, it has been about a year since we welcomed our boy Chase into our family and we wanted to give
you an update. He's doing wonderfully, Coconut and Tacu gave us such a great addition. He is very smart
and loves anyone he comes into contact with. He is on the bigger side, I suppose that's because he was the
first born. His coat is very low shedding and his energy level depends on who he is hanging out with. Around my husband and I his favorite thing to do is snuggle and relax, around my kids he loves to play and run his
heart out. As you can see in the pics his sable coloring has definitely changed throughout the year. We've had no health problems with him, thank you so much!!
Don't know if you remember me-- I bought one of Flicka's pups (lived in Coeur d'Alene and met you in Liberty Lake) almost a year ago--you listed her as girl #3 and we named her Phoebe. She turned a year old Aug. 19. :) Just thought I'd update you on her--we moved to Arizona last month, so we're in Fountain Hills (near Scottsdale) and she's taken to it very well. She's usually in the house, but when we have to leave her (and the goldendoodle) outside, she doesn't like the heat and will actually go for a little swim in the pool to cool herself down! It's adorable!! She's really smart. Much smarter than the goldendoodle who is 4x her size (she's 20 lbs)! So she's the boss and they're quite a pair. I pretty much keep him around for her sake because she loves "sparring" with him. When we took them to doggie day care while on a trip, they said the little dogs didn't want to play with her like she wanted, so they put her in with the big dogs and she was happy. We really love her--she's our favorite, and I can't imagine any other dog for us!!! She's so very affectionate, funny, CUTE and soft. I will attach a couple of photos. I wonder if the other pups from that litter are like her? She seems so unique! :) We shaved her when we got here but normally we let her fur grow long. Anyway, just wanted you to know how much we love her! :)
Blessings to you,
Just a quick hello and an update…
Miki was one of Coconut/Tacu’s May 2011 puppies. She is a wonderful addition to our family, which includes two grown children who come home every few months to cuddle and play with her. Miki is very smart and she loves to play with dogs of all sizes.
Best wishes for a happy holiday season,
Cheryl and Ron
Hi Donna,
I just got back from Jade's 12-week puppy visit for her 12-week boosters. She is doing well at 8 pounds. The vet was very impressed with her health and her socialization. She took your info, as her dog is getting up in age and she was seriously considering an Eskipoo, specifically from you, when the time comes to bring another dog into the home. She said she was very well raised and loved her personality and friendliness.
I have to echo her sentiments. Jade is a wonderfully outgoing little girl. She has her puppy playfulness and craziness, but she is a very gentle little girl. She has not been exposed to other dogs, except for our pom, Chika, as she has not completed her vaccination series yet, but I am confident she will be as friendly to them as she is to the people she meets. She loves life. I think she would make an excellent therapy dog and may consider that in the future.
I just wanted to give you and update and let you know you can use this as a reference if you would like. You do a wonderful job with your dogs and I would not hesitate recommending your dogs to anyone.
Have a great day,
He has really become a wonderful little dog. He is a very
kind, loving and gentle little boy. Everyone loves him, from
the groomer to the vet. He came from a litter last year from Seisha and Spencer. I was very worried about flying him here to the Midwest. When we got to the airport he was wagging his tail and just a lovable ball of fur. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. Everywhere we go people want to know what kind of dog he is and where we got him. He’s happy to play with children and loves to play with other dogs. He has a very calm demeanor and nothing upsets him. He’s also happy just lounging on the couch. He doesn't shed. All in all I have to say he’s the perfect little dog. Thanks so much for giving us our Buster. Feel free to use this for a reference on the website. I hope that all is going well.
the Trobec family

These are my perfect children :-)
I cannot tell you the joy and love they bring to our home. In our area they have many " cousins" from your home! Their sister "Maddi" from the same litter is
wonderful too! We have play dates, same wonderful vet and groomer too.
So many wonderful stories to share about Clark and Kodi, I will refrain as I know you must receive hundreds!
Thank you,
Donna S.
It is Clark and Kodi's 9th birthday! They are the best furry family ever. Clark has his "eagle" and Kodi has his red Clifford dog. Hope all is well with everyone!
I just love them so much. Their understanding of vocabulary is that of a 5 year old! They are so smart. No kidding, I have taught Clark the directions of right or left when we come to street changes. I will ask, shall we go right or left? He will look both ways and then decide! Both Kodi and Button follow his lead. Clark would have made an incredible service dog, so intuitive! Thank you for providing so much joy in our life!
Donna and Mike
Ebby is a happy 7 month old. He just got his first hair cut as we are going on our first summer camping trip. Thanks for raising such a sweet dog, he fits great into our family.
Hi Donna-
Just want to share with you how we just love Teddy our Eskipoo! He is full of life and brings us all so much joy. He's thriving and doing so well in his new home. I have him in training classes that helps me and him get off to the right start. He is so smart it does not take him long to learn a command. He loves people and everywhere we go he is
not shy and wants to say hi.
Thought you'd enjoy this
If you may remember us, we received our dog Davi from you last January. I was the woman looking for a new service puppy, because the standard poodle puppy obtained for that chose Davi, whose mom is an American Eskimo and whose dad is a miniature poodle. You asked us to send you some pictures of Davi when he turned one, and to let you know how he is doing.
His health has been excellent from the start. He is very active, well-muscled, and alert. He has reached a weight of just over twenty pounds.
As you can see, he remains pretty darn adorable -- almost too adorable for a service dog in training, because so few people can resist paying attention to him when we are out. : ) Somehow we manage, although I think his fans add a good twenty minutes to our every trip to the store! We have taken some classes, and we train at least once a week in public. Soon we will be moving up to the next level with a trainer who specializes in service dogs, because he is starting to be mature enough to have some focus. Service raining is a very long process, but Davi has a good future in this job, I feel confident.
Davi is a curious, affectionate, sociable, confident, very smart, bouncy little guy. He has the poodle sense of humor, an obsession with socks, can do a four foot standing jump straight in the air, has a strong attachment to his humans, could be rented out as a tiny backhoe he loves to dig so much, is often courageous when it comes to the stress and uncertainty of training in public, loves treats and petting but hates to be brushed, and has finally learned (we hope) that cats do not believe in BOUNCING as a form of positive social interaction.
We love him very much, if you hadn't guessed that yet. : )
One picture is from late summer, when a single chick was hatched by itself, and had to be kept in the house. It imprinted on Davi (hey, they are both orange/gold and fluffy), and would race around its little fish tank brooder calling to him. Davi seemed both puzzled and embarrassed by its obsession at times, but I would also catch him kind of leaning forehead to forehead with the chick through the glass, both of them with very relaxed body language, just hanging out. The Chicken Whisperer!
The other two, which both show him sitting in his favorite spot in the house, are more recent. One is from mid-October, in which he is completely shagged out, and totally overdue for a hair-cut. The second is from a few days ago, after the groomer took him down to next to nothing. I love the way he looks either way, but since brushing is far from his favorite thing, I guess short is the way to go!
Thank you for raising happy, healthy, well-bred, well-socialized puppies. We could not be more pleased with our Davi, and have recommended you as a trustworthy breeder to the numerous strangers who have fallen in love with him during
our service dog training outings.
Take care -- Diana and Mike
Hi Donna,
I hope this finds you all well. I just wanted to drop a line to let you know Jade (Eskipoo) is thriving. We brought her home in May of 2013 when she came to live with us in Colorado. She is such a joy to have around. She loves to play ball (constantly) so we got her an automatic ball thrower for outside and she loves it (got the hang of it quickly, too, as you might imagine). I thought you might want to see a pic of her now. We do keep her clipped and she seems happier and cooler that way.
Keep up the good work with your pups, you do a wonderful job. I would recommend them to anyone. They are intelligent, well socialized, and healthy.
We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and happy, healthy New Year.
Have a great day,
Brenda and Bob
Hi Donna,
I meant to write this a couple of weeks ago but time got away from me. We recently celebrated Brighton’s first birthday and I thought it would be the perfect time to send you an update on my favorite little Eskipoo. For reference, I believe she was a Kenna/Tacu pup.
This has been quite the year for us! After spending some time in Seattle, we made a move to Minneapolis, MN in June. Brighton is thriving here! She loves the warm weather and playing outside with all of her friends at the local dog parks. She is such a sweetie and a social butterfly. We are constantly making best friends everywhere we go. People are always asking what breed she is and where I got her and then are very disappointed when I say she came all the way from Washington.
Brighton is a funny little thing with a LOT of personality. She is incredibly willful and independent, and is always making me laugh. She comes everywhere with me and is always up for exploring and adventuring. For people looking for a great apartment dog, Eskipoos are awesome! Brighton is about 12 pounds and is just the perfect size. Plus – very minimal shedding!
She really is the best little companion! Thank you so much!
Hi Donna, I want to tell you how much I am in love with Kiva, our Eskipoo. He is a blessing in my life. So affectionate and so loving and so willing to play and be playful. He is a wonderful wonderful dog... Feel free to use me as a reference...
Hi Donna - We think Ozzie is amazing! But this was something so unexpectedly wonderful, that we wanted to share it with you.
Al's dad is 89 years old and we just flew him in to stay for a couple of weeks with us. He is in very poor health. Ozzie & Pops have bonded so sweetly. She instinctively seems to know that he's fragile, so she's very careful and watchful of him. They are amazing to watch together! What a tender and empathetic little pup ...
I just wanted to let you know how happy I am I chose a puppy from Misha and Octavious' liter! She is the sweetest, loves to snuggle and learns so fast! She couldn't be an easier puppy. Such a cuddly thing and always wants to play with every dog she sees! She was as healthy as could be
our first vet visit as well. You were so accommodating to my situation and made it work, and I greatly appreciate that. You couldn't have given me a better (cuter) puppy!! Keep doing what you're doing!

Hello Donna!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Tilly just turned two years old this month!!! Thank you for matching me up with such a great pup! We are best friends and spend tons of time together. Tilly is so friendly (and consistently gets more likes on Facebook than any pic of me!!) My friends adore her; she is such a love bug. She enjoys paddle boarding, hikes, running on the beach, swimming, playing catch, and visiting her buddies at the park. I socialize her quite a bit ever since she was little, and she is outstanding with other dogs.
Tilly has never run away. She is very loyal and close. Every time I put her leash on, I say "Collar" and she sits and tilts her head up so I can get to her collar. So, anytime I need her to come to me, I say "collar." Sometimes she is reluctant, but I just point at her, and she waits for me to walk over (at the beach/park/woods). She is so well behaved.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
With love,
The first time our vet met TeddE, he said, “I think you got the sweetest puppy ever!"
TeddE has become our family's entertainment. He jumps right in to the sprinklers, his kiddie pool and life in general. He is cuddly and sweet, but also loves to run, fetch and race with our grandsons. What joy this puppy has brought to our family!